The study was carried out on the effects of cooperative and competitive teaching methods on academic performance of secondary school students in financial accounting in Kaduna state, Nigeria. The study had five objectives, five research questions and five null hypotheses. Quasi-experimental research design was used for the study. The population of the study was two thousand, one hundred and seventy five (2,175). The sample size was 80 and purposive sampling technique was used in selecting the sample. Frequency distribution was used in analyzing respondents’ gender; mean, standard deviation and standard error were used in answering the research questions while Pearson Product Moments Correlation Coefficient (PPMC) and t-test were used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. Null hypotheses one to three (1-3) and five (5) were rejected while hypothesis four (4) was retained. The study showed that cooperative teaching method and competitive teaching method had significant influence on students’ academic performance in financial accounting in Kaduna State, Nigeria, among other findings. The study concluded that cooperative teaching method and competitive teaching method influenced academic performance in financial accounting in Kaduna state, Nigeria. The study recommended the use of cooperative teaching method and competitive teaching method in teaching financial accounting in Kaduna state, Nigeria among other recommendations.